Friday, September 5, 2014

Bukowski’s Birthday 8/16/2014 International House New Orleans part 3

Hatred of wanting and the hell always begins with the wanting
That is where the armies start with the wanting
The drum beat bullets of men hiding behind awful banners
Of country or book or corporate ticker immune and not afraid

Lost fear because the wanting unifies soulless ghosts trying to harvest a soul
Insatiable and genius foaming out eyeballs caulked with violence
Getting on sex and booze of all flavors to make sleep come with the dark
No matter the hour the whores are asking for sleep

No matter the wanting the hate is buried in the crotches of men
Watching her, wanting her, thinking about taking her
They all think they have a chance for that one cunt
Like the sun was enough for all men

No matter how much love she makes the world will keep asking
Until the sun bursts the life beyond the life in her
Is pulsing for the squadron of penises out in the smut chairs
To destroy her like lions that do nothing, hunt nothing, but other lions

Sporting to let the lionesses feed them
Wanting only to knock the other muscle out the line for the privilege
To talk but he does not say he just takes
Because the worthy man takes the evening

Doesn’t pose or strut, he doesn’t give a fuck what she thinks
He just beats there like animal taking, taking, taking
He doesn’t even want her; there are a thousand hers
And she knows it

She knows she is just meat for the night and wants to be more
For Bukowski and feels like wanting and everything is lost in the wanting
Because it makes her flinch, adjust her face for the lion, purses her lips
As she is about to be devoured and spread for nothing but a greased pipe

To slander the machinations of the hoard always wanting
Over the classical opera of day jobs and beer bottles
Flung out windows for the listeners to slap commentary
To the awe of the circus freak writing and writing

Hating himself for being a phony
Letting the wanting leaking inside his adjustment
In how does this sound or will the audience ear up
Pay homage to his slut poetry prancing

He hates them all like a firing range line them up
Battle bullets punk-pluck every fucker
Wiping their noses with his shit spread everywhere
In grunt words of nonsense schooled in posing angel hells
Wandering down into his ears

When he rents sanity at the typewriter page after page out of him
Because writers understand writers having to get it out
Like this in a room fool of ogling strangers ogling bar glasses
And the crotches of folded panties bunched in corners

Writers hate writers more than any type of asshole
Because writers can point out the hypocrisy
The bastards are the most dangerous of all the fuckers
So we hate you like we hate ourselves

Because writers know there is no way out
Not if you’re any good or horrible because
The hell is that you wanted to be found
Writers write to be found; the wanting is in the documentation

The preserved history of the moment tattled on and yelled aloft
For the fucker vultures to fund bellied up to the bar
Crying like a divorced son of a bitch pining
About the pussy that gives him hell and the child-support

And the ass that cost him the ability to write about anything else
For those years and he drinks to her every night for the goddess she is
Muse above muses for the isolation like food to gnaw at the bone
The fucker could finally eat like steak every night

Some good god damn meat raw real hell
Other writers could jerk off at the blackness of his darkness
That this ex-wife was pure Midas inspiration
Like a terrorist attack or child molestation

The good shit, the pure cocaine from the mountain
Where they don’t ask; they just kidnap your fucking family
Bound you up in a shed like a South American guerilla vacation

Penned in a wooden pit, stuck like a pig

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