Sunday, February 4, 2018

Note to the New Feminist Protocols - 2018

If men are expected to up our games in the nuance of flirtation,
Knowing our entire reputations can be destroyed for an incorrect calculation,
And yes this power exists and men fear it whether you have no intention of misusing it.

We can trust your discretion all we want, nevertheless this threat exists.
And yes we fear this whether you want us to or not.
And yes we will not approach some of you or
Not speak up in certain situations where we may have in the past where you wish we would,

But we will be by nature more selective in this paradigm,
Because yes some women do attempt and accomplish ruining men’s lives with this power.

So in exchange for this respectful caution,
Please consider applying a reciprocal calculation
When you choose to break up with men in the ghosting department.

When you ghost us,
On some level, whether you wish to apply this or not,
It indicates an implicit indictment or our incapability to handle a face to face declination
Or cessation of the dating experience.

Aside from the normal discourtesy,
It is a measure of assignment that a man is closer to the cannot be trusted
With not turning into an abusive character
Or is somehow emotionless in heartache to the end of the relationship in part because of his masculinity.

If women expect men to heighten emotional intelligence,
Male responsibility must coincide with female trust
For the masculine to carry emotional weight including the witnessing by females of his pain.
Do not treat our hearts like mechanic contraptions for we are not.

That is all. 

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