Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Scarlet D

Reality show air brake
Pondering The Today Show
Skid mark not according to plan
Daily revelations of who is naughty

Approaching white man in a beard creeping down chimney time
That this media scarlet D sexual assault deluge
Is a smidgeon of catchup for generations of comfortable afterthoughts
Of no one will believe me’s in sidebar legal conversations

Of my career or this: Him or me
Weinstein or Lauer
Cosby or Ailes
Trump or Clinton

Set bald head into frame and put a wig on it
Cry devastated or nooooooooooooooo!
In social media et tu? to a me too.
Rally around a hashtag of a witch-hunt of witches hunting

Reclaiming space and letters transposing consonants
Like I’m Madonna #itch to scratch that feminist swag
For a planned parenthood mammogram denied
Wondering why is she so angry, the outburst, the gall of a nasty woman  

1973 to 2017 uterus-future struck gong
Like a human rights threshold of credence
Of “Oh now you believe me” resounding
To say if you do this you are no longer welcome to be valorized

Translation corporate sponsors no longer find it profitable
To be associated with your public image given these revelations
You are the Enron / Arthur Andersen of talk show hosts, of movie producers, of Jell-O pitchmen  
The what of discomfort of McCarthyism false accusations

The inverse of the pretense to disbelieve a female voice over a male
The irony of Hillary chastising Bill’s accusers and losing to Donald
The American ethos of electing sexual abusive presidents
Inked in Thomas Jefferson’s rapes

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
You tell me it’s the institution
You’d better free your mind instead

Oh John too beat women and children, adulterer
Mum and Dad left him and he sang out
Gender double standards, gilded images warped in era
Judgment by the time they lived in of Caesar’s choice

Not going to reinstall Prima Noctae in grab-form
At any wedding Snatch Slapper crashes at Mar-a-largo?
Viral video’s and the noble blood of George H. Bush’s nephew laughed along
Melania, his wife at the time “said that was ok”

Every time America looks at its female figurehead of monarchy
We see the king can do as he pleases and the queen takes it
If not, she gets replaced, after all she is the replacement of the replacement
Back to the British Whig Party; Dilly Dilly! Dilly Dilly! America

Grab another drink it is playoff time
Buy her a necklace to know who she belongs on Black Friday
Buy another iPhone on CyberMonday and watch the show
Straight Outta Vagina pussy grabs back on Giving Tuesday

Don’t play stupid, don’t play dumb
Vagina’s where you’re really from
From Putin to Three-Baby-Mama fo Five Kids
We know whatcha did

As a man, I despise men like you: impudent empowered
With the sober legalities of sanctioned dominant animal praise
As if steamrolled consent is an act of magnanimity
To be lauded the way a priest lifts Sunday school fabric  

To the boardrooms to the oval office
Trembling in pot-kettle tweets
Man to man, we don’t want you
If you are married, get divorced before you flirt

If you don’t know the difference between flirting and sexual harassment
Check Kant’s categorical imperative, imagine your penis was a vagina
Imagine she was your daughter, except for you Tiny Hands Gruber  
You’re Fired is the new Go Make Me A Sandwich 

Organizations like universities, corporations, the military, and the Catholic Church 
Conceal and abet rapists to posture order of synthetic hierarchy
Aiding victims risks exposing the falsehood of ordered security
And a reduction in access to revenue. The victim becomes the threat to the brand. 

0.6% Conviction rate, 26% Arrested of which 20% Prosecuted may take years
About 20 percent of college freshman are victims of rape. 
Trauma, vulnerability, courageous rebuttal
The answer is improve police departments 

Catching repeat offenders 
Less than eight percent of men commit over ninety percent of sexual assaults 
So what as we as a society willing to do about rooms full of untested rape kits? 

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