Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Fourth Sentence 20170924

Branded knee pads for geriatric billionaires
Church of the publicly exposed Hollywood photo-op contagion
The Orange Fascist carnival barker outed the white
Don’t you go talking about people’s mamas

The B word more offensive than the N word
Sound of ratings plummet and discharge squawk talk
Healthcare bill limp dick in Congress to a crotchety Vietnam vet
Infighting the Reds and to Daddy My Feet Hurt President Humperdink

That sign of unity put out by Commissioner Go To Hell
Is, “How Long does Jerry Jones Botox injected transplanted baby buttocks flesh suit for jowls have to hold this pose midfield at the altar of Monday Night Football?”
Ok until the Viagra ad is prepped for break

What about next week and the hereafter…
The 400 years and systematically racist criminal justice system
Nah be grateful we gave you a moment on our reality show
With fists, bench seats, linked arms, and knees

This weekend you had your out to misconstrue
That this was about people’s mamas
Not Philando Castile getting his chest blown out through a strapped seat belt
With a pink flower booster seat with Ms. Reynold’s daughter within target range

On Video for who’s world?
Time lapse remap photo op for sports cares
Flag and nation and addressing the violence of a nation’s military
Imbued into the violence of a nation’s militarized police

So, Pres. Snake-oil Suites Salesman,
“Do you believe there are unimportant people?”

America first flag on a Budweiser can and misconstrued Bruce Springsteen’s
White T, Blue Jeans, and Red cap folded into a back pocket

Bruce wrote page 314, “More than ten years after the end of the Vietnam War, inspired by Bobby Muller and Ron Kovic, I wrote and recorded my soldier’s story. It was a protest song…It was a GI blues, the versus an accounting, the choruses a declaration of the one sure thing that could not be denied…birthplace. Birthplace, and the right to all of the blood, confusion, blessings and grace that come with it. Having paid body and soul, you have earned, many times, over, the right to claim and shop your piece of home ground.”

Or does the Boy Born in the Faberge Bubble
Just hear the drumbeat and hi-tempo and clap
Like “I was born in the USA too.” Shut up about politics
Translation stop making me hold up a mirror

Second verse of Woody’s “This Land is Your Land”

“In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?

I'm not even going to ask you to go listen to Chuck D... 

Shit show Same Show
Let’s see what you do after the highlight reel is dim?
After the hurricane like W for Katrina or Hypo-tweet for Maria
Madre, mother, B Word, Grab a pussy

U.S. Citizens Puerto Rico, Palante, who counts? 
Bankrupt Golf property, debt, colored bodies
Take care of Wall Street, equity prices
Mr. Marmalade Mar a Largo, got time for a round of 18?

Dashcam, shown in court, hold away from public.
Three People. Three sentences.

Your brake lights are out.
I’m not pulling it out.
Did you just kill my boyfriend?

Courtroom. No fourth sentence
No justice. No Peace
Billionaires kneeling, arm-locking now
Where are you putting your money about that fourth sentence? 

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