Sunday, April 23, 2017

Wedding Toast 20170422

Maybe life is a mirror inverse to our dreams. As men we visualize tasks, to do, to be, to set foot into position to be worthy in stature. We study. We play. We work.

Older brother takes us to see Green Day May second 1998 on the Nimrod tour eleven years old on Canal Street in New Orleans and a seed begins to germinate. We rollerblade with a kid we met in kindergarten and he gives us a hug at our bachelor party as adult musicians. We put in hours of worry to make sure the world gets its hug. We show up and juggle logistics in guitar picks and coffee cups. We meet a comrade bandito at Loyola blowing trombone and go Community empire of one day at a time with others in mind.

That manly provider part of you sees a Latin American man picking a coffee bean on the mountain and says I want to be able to feed both our families. I want an Earth where the air we both breathe is not flustered in smog that is worth giving a damn. Praying I can try against the grain. We find a comic caricaturist sketching Alabama sun-worshipers spying Magazine Street and make a pact. Maybe we stand behind a counter hands pressed for a hot cup in a city that feels like the inside of a dog’s mouth crunched and wondering how the hell does this work, how to be a person when the whole damn place seems to say stay afraid, do not put your heart into the fray, and maybe a woman walks in and alters the scope and terms of the game.

Maybe she comes back in and smiles and you muster the nerve and you tell your older brother her name in a nadir spot that you know her name feels like light, warm and knowing that there is a softness and embrace in her caress that makes this boat upon life’s waters steady. Maybe she looks at you standing on a speaker at a rock and roll festival you co-organized in the streets of New Orleans like a preacher man worthy of her as a helpmate. That she’s professional, smart, capable to care for her own self, and breathes a relentless faith and a watershed feminism of what the word punk means that she is intrepid to love that man back.

Maybe we get together in this world to honor that, to toast the brave sailors tattooed and writing songs and sketching buildings for art to bloom out the seeds to say yes. Yes there are storms in the seas and brilliant horizons and we will sail them. That maybe you both stare down into the mirror of that ocean’s surface into the cauldron of adulthood and realize these great big plans of us having to fix ourselves to be worthy or valid was never it; it was the other readying to make space for our magnanimity in our mutual audacious light. Joy and wonder stares back at us in that deep well human place of Truth. The tangency of our spouse’s touch does not shatter the glass of our illusions, but as we approach the other, the fabric of the universe seen at a distance is made intimate permeated by true presence.

Your whole damn world changes. You smile like water. You are no longer parched, not from what the other gave you, but by that deep resonating Truth that has always been inside you about what love is. There was another mariner out there sailing hoping to find you and now you are here, entwined, staring down that brilliant horizon together.

G, R. Congratulations.
I love you both. 

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