Friday, April 7, 2017

Digesting the U.S. missile strike in Syria: morning after 20170407

The second Syrian chemical weapons attack created a window for Trump to look tough where Obama was impotent. Obama in 2013 in the first attack wanted to do a version of what Trump did, but went through formal channels and was denied. Trump is a sexual abuser. He grabs and does not ask.

Trump has ties to the Russians. At initial reaction, my head considered coordination to bigger militarized escalation to rationalize conflict between Russia, potentially Iran, and the United States.  Iran and Russia do not want to fight the U.S. Russia wants to keep their naval base in Tartus and an ally in Assad in Power. Russian Syrian alliance goes back through Assad’s father. Russia does not want Syrian airbases destroyed. Iran's military is too weak and concerned with their domestic agenda. 

So if this strike is coordinated with the Russians where the Russians protest it, because it has been decided in back channels between Russia and America that the time has come for Assad, then you have the U.S. strike Syria. Russia publicly protests, but then Russia and America negotiate how the Russians will pull support for Assad in exchange for some manner of replacement in Syria conducive to Russia keeping their naval base and a regional foothold. That is most of what the Russians care about. That happens and Trump and Putin come out looking like their asses stink less, Syria is still a mess, but some sort of formal blessing by the white-powers of America and Russia have told another country in the Middle East how it is going to be, because without an effective domestic airforce or the Russians Assad has no airpower. Syria has other airbases, but Syria does not go down that road if Russia does not back them. If Russia withdraws support Assad is done. 

Trump’s logic is chaotic, but ultimately egoic. He is a narcissist. Putin helped Trump get elected. He probably has oil and property deals with Russian oligarchs. Putin has a degree of leverage on him. Flynn is probably going to testify at some point. His potential path to impeachment is staring America in the face. He is flaunting that the rules do not apply to him.

Trump can launch missiles, be the strict father-figure his base loves. Obama in this parallel 2013 was  weak and asked for permission, even though Obama has drone bombed more foreign civilians than any president. Trump in 2017 just fires. It’s illegal, dangerous, and self-serving. You do not disrupt policy on a conflict going back to around 2011 because your opinion changes because some Syrian people died in what Obama called a redline event before it happened in 2013. 

The reason I say that is because none of these governments care about the Syrian people. Trump has banned all Syrian immigrants. Hundreds of thousands of people have been dying. Syria is a quagmire. So this is a window where Trump can potentially signal Russia, yes you may have leverage on me, but I have power to create leverage on you. Trump is in a way asking Putin if this act is uncoordinated, “How much do you value that naval base and keeping Assad in power? Are you going to assist in getting me impeached, because I can preemptively fire back now?" If the act is coordinated with Putin, which given everything we know seems plausible, then Putin will follow the game plan described or some derivation there of where the U.S. and Russia do not escalate against each other, but like Putin faking to take Assad's chemical weapons away after the 2013 strike, Russia serves as the mediator when mommy and daddy are fighting. 

Trump is repealing domestic civil liberties, appointed jokers to dismantle federal agencies in this totalitarian degradation of democracy. A boy disobeys authority and sees how the authorities react. We the people are supposed to be the authority. If we say,"Oh this strike is appropriate," which I have heard reported from both Paul Ryan and Theresa May this morning then you have to translate how that affects Trump’s overall agenda.

Trump has hinted at conflict with Iran. This is a direct attack on an ally of Iran. Trump wants to use the military to put his stamp on the world. You might see Iran do something regarding the nuclear material in response to Trump abandoning the negotiated sanctions removal and then the U.S. fires missiles at some base in Iran without approval. It’s not troops on the ground initially, but it is like let me try to touch her and see how she reacts. He wants to get away with it and have no consequences and be the alpha. Look I can do this to your woman, what are you going to do about it? 

So the question really is, “Is the American President above the law?” Trump needs Congress to go to war. We have not declared war on Syria. This is a direct strike on a Syrian military base, which if any country does that to another country it is universally understood that the country attacked is going to take it as an act of war. Americans would.

So liberals may react and condemn Trump as horrible for everything, but we know what Trump did is what Obama tried to do and something Clinton would likely have done, except they did or probably would have gone through the legal channels of the U.N. or the U.S. Congress to facilitate that act. That is the issue when you understand none of these parties give a shit about the Syrian people.

So Trump is set to answer for many things as the honeymoon quickly dissipates, but the multiple members of this administration with Russian contact prior to the election, threaten to get him impeached. You’ll hear newspeak out the ass about what happened, what this is and is not, but to me it all comes back to the Insane Clown President’s ego, how sexually abusive men act, how pathological liars act, and how his ego comes before American safety or international rules of engagement or diplomacy. 

The Philippines are brushing conflict with China. Iran remains in conflict with Saudi Arabia. Israel is still committing systematic genocide on Palestinians. Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is raging in the vacuum of power in Iraq and the Syria. Latin America is in economic crisis. Northern Africa has massive number of deaths due to water shortages and conflict. Putin is using the internet to sway Western democracies. America has an idiot king on the throne.  

Americanism breeds the image of the indestructible white man and the immaculate white woman who answer to no one. If you poll the world and ask who is the biggest threat to international security the United States is the grand champion. Acts like this unilateral and without formal channels of approval, even our internal ones, send out shock waves. It scares the rest of the world, who are already scared of us. Conservatives may applaud, good for the world to be afraid. 

That leads to war. Dead bodies. Melted bodies. Mangled bodies. Economies decimated financially. Peace and human connection are abdicated for fear over love. That path is dark and madness. 

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