Friday, March 31, 2017

A Mi hermano poeta

Inspiration and triumphant hope
The colonial horde French tongue
Negro of Jerusalem
Charlemagne, Pope Leo, East-West schism

Saladin to Byzantine land, blood, and money
Meaning of education in Queens sad-eyed windows at Astoria park
Coltrane Love Supreme to say you do not see me, trauma, but I go cosmic
Genocide in a box as a tomato rots full of seeds on a dock

Oil derrick pumping mechanic pressurized Paleozoic
Lessons in a microscope peering at sand
A billion tiny seashells, elemental
A man picks up a rifle, disassembles, resembles, stows for later

Migrates across Hardees drive-through America
Confederate flag sold next to a Bob Marley t-shirt at a NASCAR event
Poets spit jazz-tongue fishing lines to set cork at the center of the ocean
Of all of it, as the nothingness churns an infinitude of emptiness

Industrial farming drains the aquifers under Aleppo
As great cities of the world hibernate in the tongues of poets
Concrete toilets shit blood in the Madonna of Greek Orthodox Russian bombs and
Alawite al-Assad bullets, the American automaton asks would you like fries with that?

A man flesh-dynamo crumpled in love’s slaughterhouse
Starts carpentry with undocumented Guatemalan men
Sweat on a labored scrotum, cross-beam, soaked pubic hair perspiration
A man urinates releases coolness, no matter the color of skin balances to the same temperature

I am a man who will speak to truth
Is my extermination central to your identity?
Art anarchists, Dos Poetas, kafia solidarity
Share food, share music, look a man in the eye

Elemental turmeric metabolic resurrection of the body
The way a cop rigid walks from his patrol car to your window
And the thought, “I am glad I shaved my beard today.”
Crosses the cosmos as the gasoline idles

Language in the power of myths     
Agent Orange golfs in Mar-a-Largo
Taxpayers pay three million for a weekend
Thirty billion for a wall

And I am so glad there are no walls between us brother
You see the pornographic fire blazing on the hands of man
The word from the well, palms on rope, raising the bucket
For the crowd to see the clear-clear water

Drink a single sip in a garden of basil and tomato
Pungent birthed from the sacred
Holy of dirt and mad bone of the womb
Smelling the love of mother, being in the blood

Speaking from the wet naked mouth 

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