Friday, March 31, 2017

Rest Dear Prince

The act of two humans staring into each other’s eyes
Three minutes
No speaking
Seated on yoga mats

Strangers focused exchanging on a quantum level
Ancient part in me looks for faith
As if there is something other than this mad darkness
Brown irises, white cornea, vision zooms down

Heat behind the lens wanting to close
Fire sizzling to shut the rambunctious automation 
The plastic frozen-pizza smiles press-microwave here
The claustrophobia of dollar-bill skin tightening

The blurred vision rooted to computer monitor pixels
Entering data click-clack keys yearning to power down
To type in the darkness, surfing poetry of blind possibility 
This woman seated across from me flat in mouth

The two of us moored in non-smiles unless risk emotive polyp
Spiting the anomaly of allowing one human to see the physical you
Vulnerable in that spectrum of concentration between sex and violence
Burrow inside the glare

Is there refuge?
As the guru asks us to picture who we love
Who do we give and receive love
Despite staring into this stranger, peering

Through a googolplex of foster children lifetime acquaintances
There is no face but the world
This divine detachment like a scalpel of wan heart
Segregated and connected in the paradox of humanitarianism

I want to love in window sill orchids
Delicate temperance strewn in bulb
I cannot picture anyone as if the proposition is so unimaginable
All I have left is pallid time whispering pages and ink

Close these eyes into coma as if these years be harbor
Sail through misty drown-yards collared in doubt’s chocker
Unsure who to make calling or prayer
Fallow liquid in burning sight 

One Year Anniversary Conversation 20170328

The system is not designed for family-owned companies to have access to digital technologies as the blood transfusions of corporate survival. The system is designed for the fifty-billion dollar whale to develop a billion-dollar liver to process the digital logistics to swim globalized oceans. Never share. Devour the second-generation company. Family concussed to exchange capital for mediocre payday. Sellout sweat of men who lift boxes. Deadpan loyalty. Frustrated resignation. How do we keep keeping on? The Leviathan flicks tail. Sucks it all into a continental maw!  


Austere poetry
Concise is best

Feed the Poor

The rest is bullshit   

One More

The madhouse is designed to make you
Scared as fuck from ever turning down work

Keep huffing for breath
Nose down
Eyes on your paper
Don’t talk to classmates

Help stragglers?
Fuck ‘em

Damocles is morning’s beard growth in stomach acids
Appease thrumming-stone sunrise


Poets howl at moons
Run barefoot
Abandon machinery
Sip whiskey in the glimmer of rebellion

Shit in soil
Fuck in grass blades
Toss wrench into engine
Seed sprouts in fecund excrement

Fifty tomatoes one bush 

A Mi hermano poeta

Inspiration and triumphant hope
The colonial horde French tongue
Negro of Jerusalem
Charlemagne, Pope Leo, East-West schism

Saladin to Byzantine land, blood, and money
Meaning of education in Queens sad-eyed windows at Astoria park
Coltrane Love Supreme to say you do not see me, trauma, but I go cosmic
Genocide in a box as a tomato rots full of seeds on a dock

Oil derrick pumping mechanic pressurized Paleozoic
Lessons in a microscope peering at sand
A billion tiny seashells, elemental
A man picks up a rifle, disassembles, resembles, stows for later

Migrates across Hardees drive-through America
Confederate flag sold next to a Bob Marley t-shirt at a NASCAR event
Poets spit jazz-tongue fishing lines to set cork at the center of the ocean
Of all of it, as the nothingness churns an infinitude of emptiness

Industrial farming drains the aquifers under Aleppo
As great cities of the world hibernate in the tongues of poets
Concrete toilets shit blood in the Madonna of Greek Orthodox Russian bombs and
Alawite al-Assad bullets, the American automaton asks would you like fries with that?

A man flesh-dynamo crumpled in love’s slaughterhouse
Starts carpentry with undocumented Guatemalan men
Sweat on a labored scrotum, cross-beam, soaked pubic hair perspiration
A man urinates releases coolness, no matter the color of skin balances to the same temperature

I am a man who will speak to truth
Is my extermination central to your identity?
Art anarchists, Dos Poetas, kafia solidarity
Share food, share music, look a man in the eye

Elemental turmeric metabolic resurrection of the body
The way a cop rigid walks from his patrol car to your window
And the thought, “I am glad I shaved my beard today.”
Crosses the cosmos as the gasoline idles

Language in the power of myths     
Agent Orange golfs in Mar-a-Largo
Taxpayers pay three million for a weekend
Thirty billion for a wall

And I am so glad there are no walls between us brother
You see the pornographic fire blazing on the hands of man
The word from the well, palms on rope, raising the bucket
For the crowd to see the clear-clear water

Drink a single sip in a garden of basil and tomato
Pungent birthed from the sacred
Holy of dirt and mad bone of the womb
Smelling the love of mother, being in the blood

Speaking from the wet naked mouth 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Breaking Fever - 20170310

My body, life, anthem for this past year reinvention,
Razing the field, thirty years of punk
Knowing the acrid smell of revolution
Old enough to strip a body to ask,

“What does one really need to survive? 
What is essential?” 

This week physically bombarded
Implant Weapon X Americanism. 
Stuff me with titanium privilege
Gusto of social dysphoria. 

Be in the wilderness of live-without,
To see people I love see people they love die,
To crack the shell see the yolk of teenage anarchism
Dry on the counter reek and bleach the surface. 

This is who one is. 
Body in revolt trapped in fables
Burn the town of country roads, interstate exit hovels
Be the nuclear element exchanging electrons

Trading for unknown outcomes
Staring at cities where every tower looks shaky
Daring opening a mouth to enter
Cantillate mantras to, black me, black me, black me out

Take this ash me and burn the flame-proof
No obligation to explain to the dreams
Being hunted, arrested by the ununiformed police
To save the lives of the slanderers, true-Christianity

For a faithless man to pray for the shameless
The inverted weapons, stab me again, take love away
Got nothing, but this reconstructed
Yogi middle-finger punk-mutant CPA apostate philosopher

I love you child and it is ok if you do not know how to say
Anything but monster
Bones and metal, blood and drugs
Life changing, no explanations 

Some weeks you are the fire
Others you pray you are the phoenix
Vulnerability Colombian jungles lush
Forests need water and fire

Suffocation modern life in the western world
I am my own oxygen 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Whiskey Glass with Valerie 20170302

What did you do for your depression today?
I put on a pressed blue shirt with a primary color collar
I sat for a job interview and almost hoped
The inkling of seasons in that undulation

I found a post-it note and scribbled math

December 2008 to Spring 2010
A few months
Summer 2010 to Fall 2012
Two months
Winter 2013 to January 2014

Two months
February 2014 to December 2015
Two months
March 2016 to today nothing

Years wrapped in celibate armistice
Psychological counseling and numb to the look
Nights typing that crimple pedagogy of alone
Sipped Scotch church glasses melted two a.m. ice

Oncology floors and widowers whispering
The secret language of birthdays astrological fortune cookies
Unopened hooligan sugar gawker culture
I do not know how to speak to this

Road out to see Valerie June sing blues country loves songs
Wrapped in kudzu African braid soul land swamp trumpet stomp
Tell you no lies and get naked tonight in front of a mirror
Hug yourself and tell you how beautiful you are

Like a trenchant mantra of uprising
The numb drunk stun lark of midnight feathered empty pillows
To the right singing love songs imagined like closed eyes,
But do not fall asleep just yet

Hold the voice as if bodies exist this body
Would want to speak, the simple inertia of alone
To pay solitude away in writer’s blood
To start telling stories where poetry leaks out

Sexually transmitted feelings and the awful bar light darkness
Of Tennessee time old fashioned whiskey and Folsom Prison blues
Remembering years folded into somebody to love
Of painted lips and Mardi Gras hair, the costume revelry

The audacity to march out suede shoe French Quarter steps
Saying zero words in fishbowl silence
Where demisexual distance faces blur and you wish
You felt something, some direction beyond the blanket

Rationalizations flicking fins and pressing gills
That any current in this water made sense more than any other
Or at all to want to sip, to look into wave and dream
Of love and hours melting into skin-scales

The touched drum beats and southern twilight
Depression comes like a garden of snakes
You lie down into the weaving tendrils nightly
Waking up into the heinous sunlight
