Thursday, October 13, 2016

Understanding the Rise of Trump

Understanding the rise of Trump is about mathematics.  This article outlines the disaffection of poor rural white America rallying around a loudmouthed asshole like a brick through a window.  Those are outcomes to an engineered American aversion to mathematics, intellectualism, and investigation into systematic correlations.  Neoliberalism is subject to the mathematics of space on the planet, resources for habitat and survival of an extrapolating human population where capitalist firms consolidate power into under-regulated gargantuan global behemoths who control governments, squash competition, answer only to money, and market the public to vote and choose paths against the interest of the masses. 

The reason the factory shut down, Bobby died in Iraq, the shrimp are mucked in oil, minimum wage is not a living wage, American healthcare is the most economically inefficient on the planet, educators are undermined, the drug war creates neo-plantations in the prison industrial complex, Christian fundamentalism acts like a form of American Taliban against women’s health, social assistance, sexuality, addressing climate change, and evolution is very much related to how a man like Trump brags about not paying taxes and people applaud him as an outsider coming out and saying it.  Trump supports know something is wrong, but failed math class like almost every voter in America voting for every major presidential candidate Democrat or Republican since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

Under Eisenhower after Truman, Christianity was merged with capitalism in the 1950’s.  Richard Nixon was vice president.  Billy Graham was pivotal.  The path of business interests, military dominance, and the pulpit was a trinity of marketing to take the technological advances of the post WWII era and create profit machines where the mathematics led to prosperity based on demand, available resources, population, and an American empire in a position of strength over a war-ravaged Europe and Southeast Asia using the Soviet Union as a counterweight.  In the modern era the factories that built that empire seek lowest common denominator global labor outside the United States and a man like Trump says he will fix everything after benefiting from the system his entire life.  Trump was born in 1946.  To think Trump will make America great again requires cognitive dissonance of what a white Christian heterosexual cisgender male American 1950’s was.  Add wealth from the cradle and you have Trump. 

Trade agreements, anti-labor union, socialism equals atheism equals un-America dogma, the myth of white supremacy who cares about poor brown civilians in foreign counties subject to American bombs or energy or drug policies, repression of what slavery and indigenous American genocide were, who cares about where what is on the shelf at Walmart comes from or who was involved in its production or if they earn a living wage or its environmental impact, who notices the revenue missing from the tax coffers to pay the teacher, police officer, or doctor because of a tax deduction for a wealthy individual or firm, who cares about a worker’s lower wage because management and stockholders are keeping the difference and forcing taxpayers to supplement living wages because who wants to do the math? 

Clinton, her husband, and Obama are neoliberals as well.  Yes, there is less racism, sexism, homophobia, better tax policy, but at the end of the day the record shows when in office: pro trade deals, big military, still bombing, deporting, the health industry is still Wall Street driven, and identity politics, platitudes, and patronage abound.  The roots of what America is are founded in genocide, economic exploitation, and marketing.  We vote for this.  The Democrats are a domestic counterweight to the Republicans like the Soviets in the cold war.  Nationalism, partisanship, and any group think is a lie.  There are only humans and our volition in a passive democracy planted and let rot through apathy.  Democracy is organic and a shift towards Democratic socialist policies represented in the Sanders campaign resonated with so many Americans and was sabotaged by the Democratic Party in part because of the neoliberal root in the one-party system America has chosen.  The better path is to change the parties and that is what Trump and Sanders are.

Just like the Roman empire before it the mathematics reach a breaking point.  That is where we are because the Earth is only is so big, to fit so many people, with so many natural resources in reserve to deplete at such rates for so long before there is no water in the lake to drink.  This is our species.  If you think this election is just about Trump you really don’t understand why he is so popular. 

If you think Democratic socialist ideas like a global tax on capital, universal healthcare, addressing systematic racism in the prison industrial complex, decreasing the resources invested in the military industrial complex, ending the drug war on sun-based drugs to treat addiction as a medical problem, implementing parental leave, gender wage equity, human rights activism, changing monetary policy to decrease the power of the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, changing the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy towards sustainability of humanity on Earth before corporate profits are unaffordable pipedream into the modern culture of debt then you have to do the math to understand where the money is and how it got there.  When you do that you will see Neoliberal policies at the throne.   

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