Wednesday, March 14, 2018

An Image of the Male Body

The untouched male body
I live in
Walks into a dark house at eight p.m.
And talks to himself

With simulated sitcom conversations
Of how was and guess what
Dinner is always in the refrigerated plastic
Cooked ahead for the week

Consumed in totality by this stomach and these lips
Subsisting in a deficit of tactile contact
Recycled folly exercises honed in the realization of the way
A woman texts “I don’t feel romantic potential between us.”

The awful politeness of coded honesties
To be a man who was engrained so young to know
I am one of the ugly ones
I think women look at me the way I look at the ugly women

So it is one big animal pit of fleshed judgment
I am almost forty  
The sexlessness is the only Catholic thing left in me
I can no longer blame god for the celibacy

This is just dry runs bathed in PTSD and the mirror
The ghosted unreturned phone calls and the never given chances
This time I gave her a ride home mid-date
After she left to move lumber from incoming rainfall

My penis finds this humorous
The curtesy, the indifference
Never long enough to receive hatred or anger this decade
Just terminal expedient assessment of no thank you

A divorced man with an executive salary
A yoga body with muscled abdomen
A full head of hair
Re-transplanted top-dollar smile

And this face of lonely blue eyes 
Questioning his entire life how to talk to females
As anything other than friends
The sexlessness exudes my pores so much

I was once kicked out of an erotic writers group
By email because my demisexuality was not up to snuff
No retort just go, please stop, another no thank you for your service
We just do not see how you fit in here

I remember the week before my wife left
After ten years the last time we had sex
Was at her company Christmas Party
At a hotel on Bourbon Street

The image of her body on top of me rattles in my brain like rape
I remember how she insisted on the condom
I remember her anger at showing me in public
When we went downstairs for the dinner

I remember how clueless I was of what she was about to announce 
The unreadable beast was soon to devour me in courtrooms
I think of this decade since
This so long untouched skin

I want to feel safe
Like there ever was a place
Timid for coquetry in this Me-Too era
I want to play

Patience from the other seems so short
To get to know these cheeks
Like rusted bicycle spokes unridden left out in the rain
Sometimes I put my fingers to brushing up from the neck

Washing up to forehead, closing my eyes
Dreaming that this is not my limb
That the whole universe is one big thing
So it is like even in this dark house at eight p.m.

I am not alone.
Laughter percolates in a tussle of permanent loneliness
Naked honesty since thirteen that this predictable
Early death, unattended cremation outcome keeps materializing

The deadliness in sex, fear in touch
The consequential atrocities of an untouched human body   

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