Tuesday, March 27, 2018

We need a Disney Princess who has had an Abortion

Reality Show cartoon thoughts edition: I saw this stream of troll bait articles on conservative websites about Planned Parenthood tweeting, We need a Disney Princess who has had an abortion.

Disney princes…Hercules fights gods and uses weapons. Aladdin steals and uses a sword. Peter Pan has a knife and refuses to grow up. John Smith kidnaps and is a soldier. The Beast kidnaps and fights a guy who plummets to his death. Prince Eric, Charming...nondescript fill in pretty rich boys all seem to be highly correlated with kingdoms that would have armies doing some killing. These movies conveniently crescendo with betrothals which imply sex and happily ever after, well what if maybe we rushed into this, maybe Disney Princesses tend to rush into relationships with powerful enchanting violent men and Disney Princes tend to get immediately enamored for no logical reason with a certain ingĂ©nue.

What if, let’s just imagine, call me crazy I know, after the ever after those relationships aren’t working out or are not ready for progeny or father-in-king or mother-in-queen wants to keep you trapped in a tower or be somebody who isn’t quite you? What if you just want take off this bra and gown and put on some god damn yoga pants or your old fish tail? What if you might want to say this family and castle life is not for me? But you had sex and are debating should I stay in this castle or invoke volition to reverse this hastily conjoined arrangement full of my husband killing dragons, sea witches, dark queens, arrogant Gaston’s, Oriental Jaffar’s, my entire indigenous nation, or pirates after he clearly was fooling around with other mermaids?

Maybe that is the kind of man a Disney Princess might get all goo-goo eyed for and realize huh this guy has a dark side and after he got his dick in me he is not all Genie wishes and taking me dancing at balls anymore? Just making jokes about rubbing other balls. Maybe I was distracted because Disney decided to kill off or rip away my father or mother for some sadistic reason and I have daddy issues and take guidance from birds, mice, dwarfs, crustaceans, small dragons, or teapots. Maybe I didn’t see the dark side of my chosen suitor before like a reverse Stockholm syndrome Belle and the Beast moment. Now we’re pregnant.

The Disney Prince would surely want his heir who his princess would be dutifully taking care of while he is off crusading and warring for kingdom on his trusty talking horse or slave ship or magic carpet while Disney Princess is expected to sit in a fancy room being obedient. Maybe the abortion here for the cartoon is to say the Disney Princess life is unrealistic on more levels than just maestro sea orchestra conducting crabs, pixie dust, and sleep spells broken by a kiss. Maybe sheltering kids with horrific examples of adult relationships ignoring equitable emotional labor, relationship building, and self-actualization might lead to ta dah a Disney Princess choosing an abortion or egad the Prince agreeing because parenting just isn't meant to be.

Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are both based on women wanting to kill or curse little girls. Belle was kidnapped by a beast, Tangled princess was trapped in a tower by her mother. Cinderella was trapped in a tower by her stepmother. Ariel had her voice taken away by a fat-shamed sea witch in the cartoon version. She dies in the real version becoming sea foam. Maybe the real story is the misogyny of showing evil women and evil done to girls. Maybe an abortion is an artistic device to say women have a choice to say no. Maybe Ariel gets her god damn voice and fish vagina back.


Friday, March 23, 2018


I watched this movie tonight… Some sentences in art resonate empathy in horrific ways, some scenes, you don’t want to be able to relate, fiction into non-fiction. You live underneath the limen where faith used to be. You hope spacetime’s passkey arrives in one coordinated moment in the future where the other sees you. No requirement to explain the why behind the path to now, the other just gets it. That recognition is like a forgiveness in a gust, filling you with validation of just how much you can love a person trying to do what is best for them never knowing if you were doing the right thing, but you buried into the deepest parts of you in moments that keep repeating to do the hardest thing you can imagine. Maybe that breaks you in a way you can’t explain to people. Few know where it comes from, but you do it, because it is not always about you. It’s not like a movie with clean lines and succinct felicity, you know you might not make it out of this alive or functional, but you did your best. You took the slap in the face. You were the bowing trunk staring up at that sun, bending in wind, meditating on what bounties the rain may one morn bring.  

Image result for movie gifted


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

An Image of the Male Body

The untouched male body
I live in
Walks into a dark house at eight p.m.
And talks to himself

With simulated sitcom conversations
Of how was and guess what
Dinner is always in the refrigerated plastic
Cooked ahead for the week

Consumed in totality by this stomach and these lips
Subsisting in a deficit of tactile contact
Recycled folly exercises honed in the realization of the way
A woman texts “I don’t feel romantic potential between us.”

The awful politeness of coded honesties
To be a man who was engrained so young to know
I am one of the ugly ones
I think women look at me the way I look at the ugly women

So it is one big animal pit of fleshed judgment
I am almost forty  
The sexlessness is the only Catholic thing left in me
I can no longer blame god for the celibacy

This is just dry runs bathed in PTSD and the mirror
The ghosted unreturned phone calls and the never given chances
This time I gave her a ride home mid-date
After she left to move lumber from incoming rainfall

My penis finds this humorous
The curtesy, the indifference
Never long enough to receive hatred or anger this decade
Just terminal expedient assessment of no thank you

A divorced man with an executive salary
A yoga body with muscled abdomen
A full head of hair
Re-transplanted top-dollar smile

And this face of lonely blue eyes 
Questioning his entire life how to talk to females
As anything other than friends
The sexlessness exudes my pores so much

I was once kicked out of an erotic writers group
By email because my demisexuality was not up to snuff
No retort just go, please stop, another no thank you for your service
We just do not see how you fit in here

I remember the week before my wife left
After ten years the last time we had sex
Was at her company Christmas Party
At a hotel on Bourbon Street

The image of her body on top of me rattles in my brain like rape
I remember how she insisted on the condom
I remember her anger at showing me in public
When we went downstairs for the dinner

I remember how clueless I was of what she was about to announce 
The unreadable beast was soon to devour me in courtrooms
I think of this decade since
This so long untouched skin

I want to feel safe
Like there ever was a place
Timid for coquetry in this Me-Too era
I want to play

Patience from the other seems so short
To get to know these cheeks
Like rusted bicycle spokes unridden left out in the rain
Sometimes I put my fingers to brushing up from the neck

Washing up to forehead, closing my eyes
Dreaming that this is not my limb
That the whole universe is one big thing
So it is like even in this dark house at eight p.m.

I am not alone.
Laughter percolates in a tussle of permanent loneliness
Naked honesty since thirteen that this predictable
Early death, unattended cremation outcome keeps materializing

The deadliness in sex, fear in touch
The consequential atrocities of an untouched human body   

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Thoughts with Hands over Eyes

I just want to feel safe.

Hungry Corpse

I find a vampiric hunger for the sacred feminine
That is inside this masculinity monstrous
Hedging passage into the suicidal,
For this untouched muscle is a living death

To hold conversation expressing feeling
Without the belief of perceived transmogrification
Into the lot of stalker or internet comment section hunchback
Smattered in either indifference or ignominious castigation

Isolate into the self-talk, the closet of silence
Knowing the ringing Tinnitus, the vertigo illusions
Of wanting to feel greenery inside
The cobwebbed shadowed compartments of post-divorce Me-Too America

The over-abundance of caution in dating the nation of the once sexually abused
The reluctance to initiate coquetry without this hedge maze of consent
Inside one’s psyche that says, “She does not really even want to be here.”
Knowing I could be fooled for a decade of a marriage and not know

There is an anchor in me, a carving tool of metal plunked to the sea floor
Clawed in through hurricane and rig explosion
A deep-well Louisiana oil muck
The Kraken that fled me into the cavern of atheism

Safety in nonbelief
That there ever was a plan
Merely billiard ball mathematics
In the countless tears to the empty side of the bedrock

Crying out as if there was a nest of breasts to lay my cheek
These eyes at rest in fathomless softness
So foreign to manhood that this body shakes in caked on metal
Armored skin to breathe in and out without fidget

My body becomes ever isolationist
Statuesque dehumanized in such unipolar sensorial intake
An inner world of convalescence tasting compassion like contraband whiskey
The slow sip of old fashioned bitters in a gentleman’s agreement

Hope shall not enter here
I am not allowed to be an injured thing
I am to be a hunter, confident in a world of monsters
Daring to say I would like to get to know you

Is the talk of flowered men stomped and castrated
Be a devourer, comment on the deliciousness of women
Boast of rapaciousness, bulge and detach serpentine jaw
Slide maw, disclose nothing and ask, “Do you want hear The Snake story?”

I know the terror in misplaced hope.
The moved-away, the absent invitations
The wanting to kill myself dogeared pages
The prayers for any kind of response

The rut of libraries and skipped school lunches
The fear of the sitting in a large space
Building up skin to learn how to go everywhere alone
To accept this is how life was likely always to be

I remember the anticipation in knowing when the jig is up
When the other party you so wish to believe
Will help break the pattern can smell the desperation on you
Recycling the exquisite silence

The bubbled garbled speech
Wrinkled oddity
Hours that go by like descending pillared prison bars from heaven’s cackle
Splintering perception through which one perceives one more soul off limits

Choice of sequestered silence absent explanation or interest
In how another is feeling to interface with commensurate presence
The immensity of disproportionate valuation registers
Like water to a desert or rainforest dweller

So it is the nature of things
These mirages
Always so hungry mouthing phantasms of hope
In dead bodies