Friday, September 2, 2016

Bleached Coral 20160901

A year in or twenty nine depending on how one counts
Morning bites into solid food for the last time in a while
Laughing at the sidebar of a medical surgery
Teeth toying with me since I was eight: in and out

Recycling an approach of wanting to speak and not
Scripting notebooks and silence like lattice work crossed and peeking
Through the apertures of school yards, cafeterias, and upstairs libraries
To sequester to best not say much

Or feeling that way as if this were a barrier embossed
For the welded notion that big brother rather I did not join in
That we had divergent concepts of playtime between He-man and marijuana
Skateboards and Thunder Cats, father with shotguns and construction hammers

To G.I. Joe and bashed in incisors and a bloody skull bouncing concrete
Mother recollecting hearing the screams from down the street as the zombie walk home
Now sitting in an oral surgeon’s waiting room recounting to doc
Some irrelevant side story as he is about to collect his twenty-five grand from her son’s pocket

In a year of ripping out the failed implants to insert the bone of deceased bodies  
Transplant my gum tissue and replace four front teeth
So I can now officially be part of the walking dead
And I take my valium pre procedure and laugh

At the year that is to come to hopefully regrow cellular bonds as host
The mantra of it could always be worse and the privilege of affording
What is not covered by any insurance or payment plan because my mother
Once told me I would always have teeth and when I look at her I want to make her words

True here, not like Jesus or America, but at least this
At least to know that whatever monster I invented in my youth staring back
At me in the mirror tonight at thirty seven with four black holes stitched scar tissue
Smile out of a prison riot that there is laughter to be had

Such a frivolous appendage in a smile, the one taken for granted
In why an ex-wife chortled why I did not use mine more
Or a daughter gets so confused about who is Quasimodo
The swelling and staving infection and the spider web memories

Of junior high removable retainers and dentures with floating bicuspids
Chompers and delightful chalk mouth spelling and erasing memories of attempted kisses
And that Cato Stoic approach of testing the ridicule to care only about what is worth caring
Concern in becoming so that one can no longer be embarrassed by showing up alone

Or with his gay best friend and people saying this or that because fuck them
He is my friend and although we are not lovers I love him

World you can take and give teeth and at times my smile
You can sway these tears of facing that side of the bed empty
I will take the cushion of mediation and sit in that chair of surgery
I will bleed

I will take the injections absent the nitrous and pierce the thinning tissues
Holding this failing implanted metal and raze to the absent bone
And say I do not yield
I do not yield for you to say there is a mirror image to the fault in our stars to smile upon

That I am not this hunchback cast of daughter or wife or town
Flooded of Christ’s kiss and barren of star to wish
The salt of these waterfall eyes shall taste resolve upon these toothless lips
I shall cry thee freedom in surgical light

So that you may rip my bone and hammer
Chisel to pound what I spent an adolescence praying for to see this bulwark
Of independent romance fail but again and I shall smile at you with the humility
Of a first world problem, lavish and preposterous at how little such a thing is

As a sophomore’s self-esteem, oh ye angels of dentistry and mandible lutes
Play me into eternity in this piteous body, so feckless and wrought
Of spirited bone, let me rise from this merged in atom and frivolity
In the swelling and the ache of hours grinning for I have paid Charon’s toll

To smile at yee, I  have tossed my coin into the pyre
To have my haughty laugh
That I am still here a body crimpled and asked not to speak
In this rock chalk words jumbled and puzzle-toothed

Poetic and barbarous as to who will understand
Not enough country or friendliness or beauty in shine for some
And so the oceans spin round the rock, yet
I am still here growing like bleached coral painting anew  

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