Friday, September 20, 2013

An update from the Blog 9/20/13

I have been working on a piece for about a month called Why We Do What We Do: The Ten Internal Commandments and the Humans are not Animals Meme: A Treatise.  The work is intended to dive into the human psyche as an examination of the evolved complex brain of how our species transitioned from eat or be eaten to a version of humanity that is convinced that we are not animals and why this meme is so critical to the evolution of our species as we consider the subjects of death, society, purpose etc. 

The treatise discusses these examples in the backdrop of each of the biblical ten commandments as contextual prisms to exemplify the meme in play.  Ultimately through this illumination, the treatise hopes to show human society through a dichotomy of pro-meme or anti-meme so that human awareness of why we do what we do can progress our mental evolution to discard the current Humans are not Animals Meme for a fresh iteration as we continue to explore the universe staving off extinction. 

The piece is in ten parts and around a hundred pages in length.  It is about eighty percent complete absent an indefinite editing period.  This is the reason I have not posted much.  Out of all the pieces I have written to date this one is resonating with me more than any.  I know it would not be possible for me to obtain the perspicuity of thought to assemble its entwined synergies of interconnection to untangle my ultimate interest in life, the why without the shoulders of others and past time spent writing, reading and asking questions. 

Scientists have pondered the what and the how.  Their endeavors are invaluable and crucial to getting to the why.  My focus has long been the internal.  In knowing my strengths and weaknesses I have found energy in devouring complex corners of the psyche which others would prefer to drift past out of comfort or horror.  To me these ideas, like so many thinkers I stand on the shoulders of to build my humble aphorisms and assertions, are my purpose if I am to be so haughty to claim one.  

So in the next month or so I will begin to post the treatise and invite your commentary.  I know to most of humanity this piece may be seen as an act of assault.  The treatise is confrontational to the tethers of comfort to the rawness of who we are, but it is only through stretching the boundaries of permissible zones can we grow.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thoughts before Obama’s speech 9/10/13

Tonight will be a monument to America’s One-party system.  If Romney was speaking the votes of our congress would transpose.  Thus justice, facts, contemplation ration are farces in our globe of make believe.  Humans kill.  We are animals.  We fear death’s approach that we compartmentalize killing in how approximate the chaos may sting us from a distance.  Chemical weapons therefore trump bullets.  Nuclear warheads trump ricin.  This is not to protect the people being murdered, but the fear in the voters from realizing the American government spends trillions on a synthetic sense of safety.  

Tonight is about the fear of the comfortable.  America has war fatigue, which can be translated as our economy can take little more of the military-industrial complex’s extractions from our coffers.  We’ll still open our cheeks to dilate for more than any other country on the planet, but we are dialing down not lubing up. 
Obama won a Nobel-peace-prize.  I imagine his speech tonight will echo his sentiments then of the greater peace made by action in times of a government slaughtering its people a la Clinton in Kosovo.  His award of such a prize only negates and dilutes the organization offering such festoons of celebrity.  

If Mr. Mormon one-percent-er were squawking instead of Mr. Surveillance State Manchurian candidate, I imagine there would be little debate.  The game plan of the right correlates with what Obama has offered despite the majority of Americans communicated exhaustion and pretending to care.  The reason the preponderance if not the entire contingent of Republican congress will vote against action in Syria is not because of disagreement with firing missiles, it is because Mr. Obama suggests it.  This is the one-party system in its finest hour, obstruction before ideas.  Conversely the Democrats will do the same in reverse.

America has never fought wars for humanitarianism after world war two.  We need excuses to rationalize budgets.  We are insecure in our empire.  We ignore Darfur and Sri Lanka and focus on Kosovo and the countries next to Israel.  The rationale goes back for millennia before America was another European pagan-conquest. 

Know that the death of Syrians matters not to the United States or Europe, neither has cared or will care about a non-European colony or nation to the extent to foster true concern.  Resource extraction, cheap labor, market domination, and the flow of power are absolutes which trump who is worthy of being considered an equal human by the countries with the big-guns.  

Just remember as soon as this false concern is over we are backing into another government threatened shutdown budget crisis, the nth iteration of sabotage of the Affordable Health Care Act and the zero mention of universal health care, Snowden is in exile and the NSA monitoring is dancing in the digital code of every letter we type.  Don’t wave your rights with your flags.