Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Ghost in the Sensorimotor Loop

That horrible self-baited feeling in limbo waiting to be declined.
The other’s silence like a timer-less bomb
At some point of pride one surrenders the count to keep on counting
As one departs the blast radius

There is no email, text, or fossil-era phone call coming
One has been ghosted into the phantasm of rejection
Once more commemorated in the tree rings of self-doubt
Comprising one’s spinal column

The junior proms and university quads
The eighth-grade movie theaters and marital living rooms
The scenes of assassinations in face of extermination
Blurred into the get-out, the silent spook

The you are not wanted here in a way that is intended to be understand
And if not, you are the monster for wanting words
A parting gift of human dignity materializing what was not material
The digital proxy stand-in

The corporate computer operated answer press seven hang up
The numbers of call-on-hold time tally limitless
And then you remember the blast radius
In shrapnel of memory recollecting the sharpened guts of hope

That maybe you wanted to be seen as a human being
To share a cup for a sip and to feel that no matter the volume
It was too much to ask, that one should not expect
The slightest bit of reciprocation  

One is to let go

To be ok with the silence