Friday, April 25, 2014

Something like prayer

I believe in god, I imagine from my readings, the way in which Einstein believed in god.  The atomic force that holds protons and electrons, draws the opposite, repulses the same.  Neutrons traverse freely, hide and convert into protons in guilds.  This ballet in the bellies of stars and the cosmos, in our bodies and planets of hitchhiking atoms is the godliest exchange I know.

Outside of dubbing the theater of science awe inspiring grandeur as the closest approximation of a representation of what humans may in part label god, I am by declaration an atheist.  I am not pantheist where the universe is god, but that we are temporary illusions of segmented universe.  The universe is.  There are no partitions.  What has always, is, and will be are atoms dancing in boundless space time.

The periodic table is like a Wall Street market to parlay the essence of reality.  The force that bonds, repels, and attracts the components of the multiverse on its scales, this is spirituality; this is religion; this is awe.  Not to be worshiped, but to sense our presence in it as witness.  We play beyond time, beyond death, beyond individuality in the oneness.  We evolve beyond comprehension of what we were, are and will be made, build, deconstruct and exist in a transient atomic transposition that goes on before our gestation, during and after our respiration, and dances in eternity. 

Death becomes a fork in the road not determined by the fulcrum of volition to elect the path to proceed to in some illusion of heaven or perdition, but for the bounty or detriment we impart to the panoply of genial life remaining to pick up the torch to enlighten or expedite extinction with the processed knowledge we leave as seed.  The collective universe is guided by an improbability measured in the interconnection of fundamental forces; gravitational, electromagnetic, and the grand nuclear.

The beauty of a quark belies humanity into representing our cranial complexity as superior or life span as a determination of value.  Paramecium, sulfur, plasma, human, fish, alien microbe, we are all stardust vomited into rearrangement.  How godly!  How miniscule the trade of love and fear of demanding or relinquishing the need for definitive conclusion.  In the absence of evidence probability is not fifty-fifty.  Going with a no for now, open to further evidence, demanding none, is an atheist’s peace to the godly atom.  

Love, peace, we are all interconnected.